Thursday, January 31, 2013


I read about this somewhere and was intrigued. When I did more research into it, I see why beetroot juice is sometimes referred to as Nature's Viagra.

Erectile dysfunction is often caused by poor circulation. The potency of beetroot juice helps increase blood flow through the small capillaries almost instantly …. well, you get the idea!

NOTE: There may be other underlying reasons for erectile dysfunction and this suggestion is not all-conclusive to your condition. Please check with your health provider. 

Together with other "pro-sexual" vegetables--the lettuce, and ginger root, this glass of red juice will keep you busy all night! 

2 green apples
1 medium-sized beetroot
1 bunch of Romaine lettuce
1/4 lemon
A thumb-sized ginger root (an aphrodisiac food) - less if you don't like strong ginger taste, but it gives the juice a nice oomph. :)

Warning: No more than two glasses a week. More will be overdose! Have fun!! :)


Researches have found that the simple beetroot has profound health benefits. Among the benefits found:

- Blood cleanser and blood builder
- Improves blood circulation
- Lowers high blood pressure
- Reduces LDL and increases HDL
- Liver cleansing
- Helps prevent cancer
- And many more ... read here:

Due to its potency, drinking more beetroot juice than your body is able to handle, might cause some problems. If you're used to drinking juices and doing juice cleanses, beetroot juice is unlikely to bother you.

But, for the average person who doesn't drink enough water and infrequently drink fresh juices, they might encounter some reactions from drinking beetroot juice. Among the reactions: Headache, nausea, vomiting. 

This is the reason why it is not recommended to drink beetroot juice too frequently. Due to its powerful cleansing effect, stirred up toxins that don't get eliminated may get reabsorbed by the liver. This might happen to people whose liver or kidneys that are functioning less than efficient.

Beetroot juice, when consumed in MODERATION--about twice a week, is highly beneficial for healthy blood circulation.

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