Saturday, May 5, 2012

Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah). So why does this whole grain hold the key to a healthier 


For one, it’s high in protein and fiber at 8 grams and 5 grams, respectively. Quinoa is also a

complete protein, meaning it contains all 9 amino acids which is particularly beneficial for 

vegetarians and vegans. A naturally good source of iron, this is a wonderful ingredient to 

include in your repertoire of recipes. Even better, Quinoa is as simple to make as 


8 Health Benefits of Quinoa:

1. High quality protein with the nine essential amino acids, the protein balance is similar to

 milk. At 16.2 to 20 percent protein, it has is more protein than rice (7.5 percent), millet 

(9.9 percent) or wheat (14 percent).

2. Great source of riboflavin. Riboflavin has been shown to help reduce the frequency of 

attacks in migraine sufferers by improving the energy metabolism within the brain and 

muscle cells.

3. Inca warriors had more stamina and quicker recovery time by eating these quinoa seeds, 

making it a truly ancient powerfood.

4. Antiseptic. The saponins from quinoa are used to promote healing of skin injuries in

 South America.

5. Not fattening! Only 172 calories per 1/4 cup dry (24 of the calories from protein and only 

12 from sugars, the rest are complex carbohydrates, fiber and healthy fats).

6. Gluten-free. Since it is not not related to wheat, or even a grain, it is gluten-free.

7. Alkaline-forming. Although it is not strongly alkaline-forming, it is comparable to wild 

rice, amaranth, and sprouted grains.

8. Smart Carb: It is a complex carbohydrate with a low glycemic index, so it won’t spike 

your blood sugar.

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