Top 10 Reasons For You To Stop Eating Sugar

Have you been hearing the hype about getting off of sugar? Are you wondering what all the fuss is about? Are you resistant to even considering decreasing refined goodness from your daily existence?
Read on, dear friend...
1) Researchers from UCSF writing for the journal Nature have just recommended that because sugar is such a threat to public health (like alcohol and tobacco) it should be taxed and regulated like the other drugs.
•They are recommending taxing either the products with added sugars (the consumer would pay) or the companies that add the sugars (corporations would pay)
•They are recommending that products with added sugar are banned in school zones
•they are recommending that you must be over 17 to buy products with added sugar.
2) Linked to allergies and digestive complaints
•Digestive Disorders:Namely gas and constipation, as over consumption of sugar inhibits enzyme production, and when enzymes aren’t working properly food putrifies in the small intestine. Sugar also increase gastric acidity, potentially leading to GERD.
•Allergies: Not coincidentally the foods which people most commonly are allergic to are those most commonly eaten with sugar - milk, corn, wheat, and chocolate (think ice cream, pastries). Sugar causes leaky gut, thereby increasing the permeability of large food proteins to enter the blood stream and causing an allergic reaction.
•Gallstones: Refined sugar may be one of the major dietary risk factors in gallstone disease. Gallstones are composed of fats and calcium. Sugar can upset all of the minerals, and one of the minerals, calcium, can become toxic or nonfunctioning, depositing itself anywhere in the body, including the gallbladder. Gallstones may go unnoticed or may cause pain-wrenching pain. Other symptoms might include bloating, belching, and intolerance to foods.
3) Sugar consumption is linked to high cholesterol and heart disease
•The Journal of the American Medical Association just reported that people w----at more sugar have higher triglycerides, higher "bad" cholesterol, and lower "good cholesterol
•This puts you at higher risk for heart attack and stroke!
4) Refined sugar is linked to depression, mood swings and behavioral issues in children
•Refined sugar depletes the body of nutrients essential for stable mood - including vitamin C and B vitamins
•Because we go for the quick energy and then get further depleted, sugar makes the depression cycle even harder to get out of!
5) Cancer and decreased immune function are linked to eating refined sugar
•Sugar fuels the rapidly reproducing cancer cells
•An article from the journal Cancer Research just linked fructose to pancreatic cancer
•One teaspoon of sugar can deplete the immune system for up to 6 hours!
•To avoid cold and flu season, here's a cheap trick - don't eat sugar!
6) Sugar can mess up your sleep cycle
•When we eat sugar, our insulin comes up.
•That causes the blood sugar to rapidly decline, causing rapid low blood sugar
•Low blood sugar forces our body to produce cortisol to release stored sugar
•If we eat sugary things at night, we get an inappropriate release of cortisol, making it difficult to sleep
•Cortisol is a stress hormone - who needs more of that in their body?
7) Type II diabetes
•Sugar is a causative factor for diabetes
•This occurs when either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin.
•Remember that the processed food lobby is very politically powerful.
•There is a lot of money at stake and the use of added sugar is often defended and promoted, despite health risks.
8) Osteoporosis and tooth decay
•According to the Women’s Health Network, numerous studies have shown a direct link between unhealthy food such as sugar and Osteoporosis.
•Processed foods, sugars, and caffeine literally rob calcium from the body causing the body to become overly acidic.
•In attempt to balance the acidic environment and unbalanced phosphorus: calcium ratio in your body caused by these unhealthy foods, your body begins to leach calcium from your bones and teeth.
•Sugar literally alters your body chemistry and makes nutrients unabsorbable
9) Kidney and liver disease
•According to the American Diabetes Association, high blood sugar can overwork the kidneys, causing them to stop working properly.
•Excess sugar can also be deposited in the small blood vessels, like in your kidneys or eyes, and negatively impact function.
•The liver creates Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF) from chromium, niacin and possibly glutathione.
•GTF is needed for insulin to properly regulate blood-sugar levels.
•However chromium levels are depleted by a diet high in refined sugars and carbohydrates.
10) Linked to low thyroid function, hormonal imbalances and PMS
•Because of the link between low blood sugar and the hormone cortisol, any time sugar is ingested in large amounts, it is a stress to the body.
•High cortisol impedes production of TSH, thereby slowing metabolism
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