Honey has many healing and nutritional benefits. Add a medicinal herb or flower to honey and infuse it for a few weeks and you’ll have wonderful flavor plus additional healing properties.
Stove Top method
1 pint of Honey
1/8 C dried herbs
Warm honey over lowest possible heat setting (Use a double boiler or bain marie if possible)
When honey is warmed through add herbs and stir
Continue to heat on lowest setting for 20 minutes stirring occasionally
You can either leave the herbs in the honey until you are ready to use it for a stronger infusion or you can strain right away (Much easier to strain warm).
Store in a sterile jar and seal. Label, date, and store in a cool dry place.
Honey should keep for up to 18 months.
Solar Method
1 Pint of honey
1/8 C dried herbs
Place herbs in jar
Pour honey over top
Place in a sunny window for 2 weeks
Gently turn jar daily to stir up the herbs as they will float up in the thick honey
At the end of two weeks strain and seal in a sterile jar. You can allow herbs to continue to steep until you are ready to use them. Remember though that honey is much easier to strain when it is warm.
Note: You can adjust herbal amounts depending on what herb that you are using. A strong herb like thyme you may want to use less of, but something light like violets you may want to use a little more. Use your best judgement. These amounts are just a basic guideline.
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