Five Foods that help Diabetic Patients
News Desk: Diet plays a key role in health building and keeping the sugar-level under control. For a person diagnosed with diabetes, diet should be given as per the recommendation of the doctor.
The key to a diabetes diet is eating in moderation, sticking to regular mealtimes, and eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. A diabetic patient should take recommended foods analysing the amount of oral drugs or insulin.
Diet makes a huge difference and a diabetic patient should consume vegetables, avoid sugary drinks and choose healthy fats over unhealthy fats. The patient can take regular meals at a regular time, which affects the blood sugar levels and keep them more constant.
A diabetes diet is simply a healthy eating plan that is high in nutrients, low in fat, and moderate in calories. Doctors used to suggest that the patient should take consume more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
A patient is always recommended to have high in dietary fiber, especially soluble fiber, but low in fat. They are suggested to reduce their intake of carbohydrates that have a high glycemic index (GI).
Foods rich in Carbohydrates:
A diabetic patient is recommended to have foods rich in Carbohydrates. However, it should be given as analysing the presence of sugar. Foods like grains, vegetables and other starches minimises the glucose absorption in body. One should take high fibre foods such as Oats, cereals, legumes, wholegrain products, dried beans, peas, lentils, fruits, vegetables.
Foods rich in Alpha-lipoic acid:
Alpha lipoic acid is a fatty acid that is made naturally by the body, usually in the amounts you need to remain healthy. It converts glucose into energy. It also acts like an antioxidant and improves diabetes nerves damage of diabetes patient. Foods like Broccoli, Spinach, Liver, and Yeast are rich in Alpha-lipoic acid.
Foods rich in Omega 3:
Omega 3 protects against the hardening of arteries. omega-3 is mainly found in cold-water fish like Albacore tuna, Sardines, Salmon, Mackerel, Atlantic herring, Swordfish, Lake trout.
Foods rich in Omega 6 fatty acid:
It protects against the development of diabetes neuropathy. Most Omega-6 fatty acids are consumed from vegetable oil, often used in cooking. It comes in several different types: linoleic acid, gamma-linolenic acid and arachidonic acid. The body converts linoleic acid to gamma-linolenic acid to arachidonic acid.
Foods high in linoleic acid such as vegetable oil (sunflower, soybean, corn, sesame, cottonseed, grapeseed and walnut), Nuts (walnuts, brazils, almonds and cashews), and seeds (flax, hemp, sunflower, sesame, pine nuts, and pumpkin).
Foods high in gamma-linolenic acid include evening primrose oil, borage oil, black currant seed oil. Foods are high in arachidonic acids include animal meats, egg yolks and shellfish.
Artificial sweeteners:
Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and saccharin instead of sweets, honey and sugar can be taken as substitute.
Food to avoid:
* Refined and simple carbohydrates - such as sucrose, glucose or fructose, white rice, white bread, table sugar, sweets, honey, corn-syrup.
* High fat food
* Alcohol
* High sodium food - such as salty fish.
Foods to be restricted:
Potatoes, yam, arbi, sweet potatoes, mangoes, grapes, bananas, alcoholic beverages, fried foods, paranthas, poories, pakoras, mathris, deep fried foods, dry fruits, salad oils, cakes and pastries.
Free foods:
A patient can consume low calorie food called free foods even he/she feels hungry after taking regular meals. Free foods give a feeling of fullness.
* Fresh salads made of cabbage, onion, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, radish and capsicum with only lime, salt, pepper or chat masala. Do not add any salad dressing like mayonnaise, olive oil etc.
* Black tea or coffee without sugar.
* Lemon juice without sugar.
* Clear soups and rasam without butter or oil.
With Dua
Aliwale Hussainwale
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