Thursday, January 31, 2013


1. CACAO (RAW CHOCOLATE) ❥ Has a blood-thinning effect, which can help your heart health and reduce inflammation

2. STRAWBERRIES ❥ Or any other berry you choose! They are anti-inflammatory for the body, which can reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer

3. KIDNEY BEANS ❥ Low in fat and high in fiber, they help to keep cholesterol low. Any legumes in general are great, but more colorful of beans usually contains extra flavonoids, the chemicals that act as antioxidants and can protect against heart disease

4. AVOCADO ❥ Loaded with heart healthy fats

5. WALNUTS ❥ Packed with Omega-3 fatty acids and mono and polyunsaturated fat

6. GREEN TEA ❥ Full of catechins and flavonols which promote heart health

7. OATMEAL ❥ Contains omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium, which helps keep cholesterol low and arteries clear

8. FLAX SEED ❥ Has omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

9. OLIVE OIL ❥ Go for organic extra-virgin Contains monounsaturated fats, which helps keep cholesterol low

10. KALE ❥ Contains heart-healthy antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, folate, potassium, and vitamin E


I read about this somewhere and was intrigued. When I did more research into it, I see why beetroot juice is sometimes referred to as Nature's Viagra.

Erectile dysfunction is often caused by poor circulation. The potency of beetroot juice helps increase blood flow through the small capillaries almost instantly …. well, you get the idea!

NOTE: There may be other underlying reasons for erectile dysfunction and this suggestion is not all-conclusive to your condition. Please check with your health provider. 

Together with other "pro-sexual" vegetables--the lettuce, and ginger root, this glass of red juice will keep you busy all night! 

2 green apples
1 medium-sized beetroot
1 bunch of Romaine lettuce
1/4 lemon
A thumb-sized ginger root (an aphrodisiac food) - less if you don't like strong ginger taste, but it gives the juice a nice oomph. :)

Warning: No more than two glasses a week. More will be overdose! Have fun!! :)


Researches have found that the simple beetroot has profound health benefits. Among the benefits found:

- Blood cleanser and blood builder
- Improves blood circulation
- Lowers high blood pressure
- Reduces LDL and increases HDL
- Liver cleansing
- Helps prevent cancer
- And many more ... read here:

Due to its potency, drinking more beetroot juice than your body is able to handle, might cause some problems. If you're used to drinking juices and doing juice cleanses, beetroot juice is unlikely to bother you.

But, for the average person who doesn't drink enough water and infrequently drink fresh juices, they might encounter some reactions from drinking beetroot juice. Among the reactions: Headache, nausea, vomiting. 

This is the reason why it is not recommended to drink beetroot juice too frequently. Due to its powerful cleansing effect, stirred up toxins that don't get eliminated may get reabsorbed by the liver. This might happen to people whose liver or kidneys that are functioning less than efficient.

Beetroot juice, when consumed in MODERATION--about twice a week, is highly beneficial for healthy blood circulation.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


So you had a great workout. You perspire and feel good afterwards. You might have strained one or two muscles. A little strenuous exercise may even cause you some oxidative stress. All's good, you have all your nutrition plan covered.

Drink plenty of water to rehydrate yourself throughout your workout. But, now you need to replenish lost electrolytes and repair all those strained muscles to encourage quick healing.

Prepare this juice when you make your pre-workout glass of juice, bottle and refrigerate. After a good workout, it is very unlikely that you would want to set up the juicer to make another glass of drink!

RECIPE - This one is RICH and tastes so good!
This combo helps to rehydrate and replenish lost electrolytes, is high in anti-oxidants to neutralize free radicals brought on by physical stress, and has natural sodium that repairs muscles and prevents cramps.

- 2 green apples
- 1 rib celery
- 1 small cucumber
- 2 tomatoes 
- 1 orange


Drinking a nice glass of green juice floods your system with so many nutrients and enzymes that help boost your energy for a good workout.

The enzymes help to dilate blood vessels and improve your blood flow, carrying nutrients and oxygen to every part of the body for an effortless and extended physical workout.

Make green juices your regular pre-workout drink to get the most out of their BENEFITS:
- Increases blood count for better performance
- Helps improve respiratory function for better endurance training
- Neutralizes oxidative stress induced by intensive exercise
- Reduces inflammation, repairs cellular damages occurring from physical stress
- And of course green juices have an endless list of health benefits!

(Drink this just before you leave the house to go to the gym. It would kick in within half an hour)
- 2 green apples
- 3-4 leaves of kale OR a bunch of spinach
- a bunch of Romaine lettuce
- a bunch of cilantro
- 1/4 lemon
- thumb-sized ginger (optional)
- a few leaves of mint

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Mmmmm....Watermelon has got to be up there in my top 5 favourite foods!.... not only is it delicious, and beautiful looking, but check out some interesting facts thanks to @TylerTolman.

Did you know....Your brain is 93% Water, A Watermelon is 93% Water Coincidence? I think Not!

The fluid inside a Watermelon can hydrate the brain faster than any other fruit and if you eat the seeds (which I do) They contain the Fats that build brain tissue and Function.

The seeds also contain protein. Who would have thought you could get a significant amount of protein from watermelon. But if you eat Ripe watermelon with the seeds that’s exactly what’s happning.

Now that’s Using My Melon ;0)

You will also get a perfect amount of Arginine when eating watermelons, tests have been shown to improve insulin problems in type 2 diabetes patients, not to mention that Arginine is one of the main Components that affects the body the same as Viagra (TM)… Yeeehaaaa Bring on the Melons ;0)

They also contain the largest portion of Lycopene in the western diet and have been studied for its antioxidant and cancer preventing properties and the list continues to grow including, breast cancer, endometrial cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer.

Watermelon is rich in B vitamins that will “BOOST ENERGY”, in particular B1 and B6, magnesium and potassium. SO IF YOUR FEELING SLUGGISH GET INTO A MELON!!

Watermelons also produce an enzyme called tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase, or TNAP. When TNAP activity is shut down, our fat cells (adipocytes) tend to create less fat (adipogenesis). DID YOU HEAR THAT? WATERMELON PREVENTS YOU FROM GETTING FATTER!!!


Do you constantly feel tired and lethargy despite getting sufficient sleep/rest? Do not mistaken CFS with the results of overwork or stress which are temporary.

People with CFS may have other SYMPTOMS that include: Aching muscles and joints, anxiety, depression, poor concentration and memory, low blood pressure, intestinal problems, jaundice, loss of appetite, moodswings, muscle spasm, nasal congestion, candidiasis, insomnia, frequent sore throat, constantly feeling tired and lethargy.

Some of the CAUSES of Fatigue Chronic Diseases include: Anemia, arthritis, constipation, fibromyalgia, mercury poisoning (from amalgam dental fillings), hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, Candidiasis, obesity, sleep problems, and toxemia (poisoning of the blood).

AVOID foods that are processed, refined, cured, canned, overcooked, deep-fried, high in sugar and flour. REDUCE on meat consumption.

GREEN JUICES and vegetables are the best for helping your body to gradually heal from this fatigue syndrome, along with high quality probiotics (very IMPORTANT). Include these foods in your juices, as they are beneficial for improving your intestinal flora. In small amounts: Fennel, garlic, ginger, leeks, onion, turmeric, and cilantro. And, drink LOTS of water.

You don't recover from CFS overnight but a change in eating habits and diet is the first step towards a healthier and energetic body.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


They come in various bright colors, each with different phytonutrients and nutritional advantages.

- Anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungus - beneficial for fighting shingles, athlete's foot, ring-worm, yeast infections
- High anti-oxidants - protects against free radical damage
- High vitamin C content - protects the heart and prevents blood clots that lead to strokes
- Prevents hardening of the arteries
- Lowers blood pressure
- Heals, repairs, builds/strengthens the lining of the mucous membranes to prevent nose bleeds
- Improves eye health
- Prevents respiratory problems like asthma, wheezing, emphysema, lung infections

I prefer to use the yellow, orange and red varieties for juicing as they are sweeter. Add a little lemon juice to blunt and improve the taste. Tastes refreshing!

Read more about capsicums:


The thyroid gland is the body's internal thermostat. It regulates the body temperature by secreting hormones that control how quickly the body burns calories and uses energy. HYPOthyroidism is the UNDER-production of the thyroid hormone. 

Chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, intolerance to cold, low body temperature, slow heart rate, weight gain, elevated cholesterol, PMS problems, heavy periods, infertility, muscle weakness, muscle cramps, dry and scaly skin, hair loss, loss of 1/3 of outer eyebrows, low immunity, migraines, constipation, poor memory and concentration, goiter, droopy and swollen eyes. 

If you have many of the above symptoms, do a self test:
Keep a thermometer by your bed. When you awaken in the morning, place the thermometer under your arm for about 10 minutes (with the normal mercury thermometer). Or, get a digital thermometer that beeps when the temperature is ready for reading. Keep a log for five days. If your readings are consistently low at 97.6 degree F or lower, it may be an indication of hypothyroidism. Consult your health care provider.

Mustard greens, peaches, pears, radishes, spinach, turnips, and the cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale. Also avoid processed/refined foods, including white flour and sugar.

Apricots, asparagus, avocados, dates, carrots, oranges, parsley, potatoes, leafy greens, prunes, seaweed, seasalt and whole grains. Increase on your protein intake by eating nuts and seeds, quinoa, eggs, organic meat. Supplements: Kelp, L-tyrosine, vitamin B complex, brewer's yeast, omega-3, selenium, copper, zinc. Each individual's dosage is different, check with your nutritionist.


Let's say it's 6.15pm and you're going home (alone of course),
...after an unusually hard day on the job. You're really tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to drag out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles (8kms) from the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that far. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself..!!


Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.
However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously.A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.

A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating.
The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital.

Rather than sharing jokes please.. contribute by Sharing this which can save a person's life!!!!

Health Benefits of Guava~

-Guava is a laxative fruit. Being a rich source of dietary fiber, it helps to cure constipation.

Magnesium in guavas helps to relax the nerves and muscles in the body.

Guavas are low in calories and fats but contain several vital vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant poly-phenolic and flavonoid compounds that play a pivotal role in prevention of cancers, anti-aging, immune-booster,etc.
Guava is packed with vitamins and minerals that help to keep the skin healthy, fresh and wrinkle free.

Guavas are very good sources of vitamin A, the nutrient best known for preserving and improving eyesight.

Guava is rich in Vitamin C which helps to prevent the viral infections like cold and cough. It also effectively helps in treating scurvy.

One cup of guava is packed with almost the same potassium as bananas. Potassium works as an important factor in regulating blood pressure by reversing the role of sodium in unbalancing normal blood pressure.

Regular guava consumption can also do the skin good through its vitamin E content. Vitamin E helps maintain healthy skin through its antioxidant properties.

Guava is a cholesterol free fruit. It satisfies and keeps the stomach free from hunger for a long time. It assists in weight reduction and helps to control diabetes.

Guava should be consumed regularly if you want to avoid heart attack.

Share with your friends and family

Monday, January 14, 2013


Wheatgrass has an outstanding amount of chlorophyll at about 70%, high concentration of the whole range of vitamins and minerals, AND has an impressive list of amino acids and enzymes. This makes it a "complete food" and very POTENT. 

Wheatgrass cannot be eaten as it is, as grass cannot be digested in a human stomach. It must be juiced, using a masticating juice extractor. You can usually get wheatgrass juice from your local juice bars. ONE shot (about 1 oz) is enough to provide you all the precious goodness to last you for a day. A piece of lemon usually accompanies your wheatgrass juice to "wash out" the grassy taste afterwards.

I've tried juicing wheatgrass juice using all my four different masticating juicers and they don't all produce the same result. I find that it tastes really sweet, concentrated and rich when I extract it using the twin-gear Green Power Kempo, making the juice really pleasant - no lemons needed! 

- Blood alkalizing - reverses blood acidity
- Improves mental alertness
- Blood-building - improves an anemic condition
- Anti-inflammatory - reduces aches and pains
- Anti-bacterial and anti-septic - reduces bacterial/fungal/yeast infections
- Detoxifying and blood cleansing
- Regulates blood sugar - suitable for diabetics
- Beneficial in lowering high blood pressure
and many more!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013


1/4 cup flour
1 tsp kosher salt
2 large eggs, beaten
1 1/4 cups panko (Japanese bread crumbs)
2 firm-ripe medium Avocados, pitted, peeled, and sliced into 1/2-in. wedges
(optional) Grated parmesan for serving

* Preheat oven to 450
* Coat avocado slices in the flour, then egg, then panko
* Spread on a cooling rack that has been sprayed with non-stick spray, then place on a cookie sheet * Spray the top of the wedges with olive oil and sprinkle with salt
* Bake for about 20 minutes at 450, or until they are golden brown (I turned my oven up to 500 for the last 5 minutes)
* Full step-by-step instructions (with photos):

The Magic Lunch Box:

Creating “the magic lunchbox” (whereby the healthy contents magically vanish - by being consumed) is important for children’s overall nutrition.Healthy and practical lunch box items will magically vanish (by being consumed by your child) during their physically and mentally challenging school day.

Tips for magical lunch box:
• Let your children to choose their food their self.
• Always use low fat things to make a healthy lunch.
• Always choose lunch before the night because that will also help a child to prepare a healthy meal.
• Try to take things like rolls, flat bread, bagels, scones or rice cakes for perfect lunch.
• If you are also using sandwich then better to use ketchups or mustard for it because these things will make a sandwich healthy and tasty.
• Always send your child’s favorite condiment with lunch.
• Never forget to give drink with them like low fat milk, fruit juices etc.

When putting together a “Magical Lunchbox” includes a variety of healthy foods from each of the food groups (breads and cereals, fruit and vegetables, lean meats or protein substitutes, and dairy foods). Healthy lunchbox suggestions are: 1) The Main Meal 2) Dairy products 3) Fruit and vegetables and 4) Snacks. This way you can mix and match healthy ideas, provide variety and interest and ensure a balanced meal. 


There is no hard and fast rule. A Juice Cleanse is totally flexible to suit whichever stage of health you're at. You can make it as complex or as easy to suit your lifestyle. 

A Juice Cleanse means you drink MORE juices than usual, in order for your detox organs to rest and feed on the flood of nourishment. There must be some kind of improvement in your diet If it's going to be meaningful for you. 

If you prefer to continue eating, then do so but reduce in the amount and keep in mind to eliminate processed and refined foods. Allow your body to rest and for the miracle juices to do its cleansing work with less effort/strain on the body.

If you don't want to lose weight, do a juice FEAST. Drink more juices and eat some fruit salads. Drink soups, have some lightly stir-fried, steamed, blanched vegetables. If you want to, you may even like to include (ORGANIC) meat in your diet once a week but sparingly. The idea is to let your body REST and HYDRATED, but NOT starving.

You MAY lose some weight but it won't be too much compared to those who just drink juices without solids.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Do you know that some vegetables contain MORE protein than meat products? In fact plant protein is more bio-available to your body than animal protein.

When you're doing a juice feast, you get sufficient protein from the juices. In any case, when you're doing a cleanse, your body doesn't need much protein .

Think of protein as building blocks, like wood and bricks that you need when BUILDING a house, versus CLEANSING. When you're doing body cleanse (juice fast/feast), the body is doing TEARING DOWN work (catabolism). Building materials are not needed when you clean your house. Instead you need PLENTY of fresh juices and WATER. 



1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants, and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
4. Live with the 3 E’s — Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
5. Make time for prayer and reflection
6. Play more games.
7. Read more books than you did in 2012.
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
9. Sleep for at least 7 hours.

10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day —- and while you walk, smile.
11. Don’t compare your life to others’. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
12. Don’t have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13. Don’t over do; keep your limits.
14. Don’t take yourself so seriously; no one else does.
15. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip.
16. Dream more while you are awake.
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
18. Forget issues of the past. Don’t remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don’t hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

25. Call your family often.
26. Each day give something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. Spend time with people over the age of 70&under the age of 6.
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30. What other people think of you is none of your business.
31. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch.

32. Do the right things.
33. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.
34. Forgiveness heals everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37. The best is yet to come.
38. When you awake alive in the morning, don’t take it for granted – embrace life.
39. Your inner most is always happy. So, be happy and ENJOY LIFE!

Last but not least:
40. Grow your relationship with God